Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Birth of A Beauteous Thing

So I've decided to start a blog.
Why do you ask ? I'm not entirely sure but I think it's a combination of several things 1) I am insanely bored right now and need a fun new project 2) I have been talking about it forever, to the point that some of you are asking to see this thing so I figure I better put my words where my mouth is3) it's the first logical step in my quest for world domination (or maybe just the vehicle to launch my dream job as restaurant and travel critic).

Any at rate, I'm here, and for those of you that have the honor and privilege of knowing me, you're well aware that I love to provide my opinion on pretty much anything and everything and now I'm just finally getting organized about it! So I'll plan to share with you whatever is top of mind as well as some things you might actually find to be of use (restaurant reviews, movie reviews, book reviews, quicks links to all my favorite gossip sites - you know the important stuff!)

So read, enjoy and let me know what you think!