Tuesday, April 17, 2007

If You Can Feel A Breeze It's Wrong

I mentioned in my last posting that I had the distinct pleasure of hanging out with an old friend this weekend, what I failed to mention was the not so distinct pleasure he had while we were out. Out enjoying some drinks after dinner, my friend had the unlucky seat right next to a group of very drunk women in their mid 30s (okay I'm being generous it was more around early 40s) and although their drunken state at only 10:30 at night was sad enough, it only got worse when suddenly one of women went crashing directly backwards off her stool and onto the floor (at 10:30). My friend, being the polite individual that he is, immediately bent down to help her up off the floor and back on to her unsteady feet. Once she was safely propped back up at her table we learned the really sad, and actually unacceptable, act of the evening - her drunken fall had revealed her lack of underwear.
While receiving an unexpected flash of a stranger's business is usually almost always unappealing (unless you're somehow into public urination or peeping toms - if so don't let me know), it's actually so much more than that. Nevermind this day and age of YouTube, camera phones and paparazzi frenzy, which means that one accidental moment can leave you forever imprinted online in the most up close and personal of ways. Fundamentally, you do not go out of the house without underwear on!!! I am quite fine with breaking most rules of etiquette and style to accommodate your own perogative but this is one that you cannot ignore.
Unless you were a dramatic DCFS case growing up, I am most assured that your mother always enforced the importance of underwear, especially clean underwear, in case any emergency situation should arise where strangers might see your drawers (although I think mom was thinking of the paramedics vs. the paparazzi). And don't scoff at this mother's wisdom because it's not wise - it is a common sense matter - cover yourself up! There is enough over exposure in the world as it is, I don't need to see more of you, in fact, I rather quite obviously know that you are wearing underwear, than fear that you're not. Pantie lines and fashion issues I also don't care about, I firmly stick to the belief that it's better to know that you have it on vs. having some tragic clothing accident that leaves you adam and eve'ing to the world with not so much as a fig leaf.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Renting to Own

So recently I got to thinking about the term 'dating' and more specifically, when does the term dating no longer apply to a couple? This came to mind due to several conversations that I've had with friends over the past few months, one specifically where I referred to a time when my boyfriend and I "were dating" in the past tense, when in fact we are still very mucht together. My involuntary phrase got me to thinking, if I don't consider that me and my boyfriend of four years are no longer dating, then what exactly should the term be for our relationship? I view dating as a the 'trying out period' when two people are together and it can last for quite awhile since it can take varying amounts of time before people feel as if they fully know the other individual and vice versa. I'm beyond this point with my S.O. (yes he is still anal about me giving his actual name on this blog - with it's huge readership and all : ) - we know each other and what we're all about, so for me, dating doesn't really feel like the right term.
Coincidentally, I also happen to be looking for a new apartment or possibly a condo right now and after perusing many a listing description and trying to figure out if I want to continue to rent and have some options or if I am ready to have a place that's fully my own, that reflects who I am and that I'm fully responsible for - I have also come upon the perfect term for when you're no longer in the dating zone but you're still not in the 'till death to us part zone', Renting To Own.
Think about it, Renting To Own, it implies that you're committed to place/person with the intent to commit even further but it's just a gradual, sensible approach so that you have time to fully realize what you're getting into.
So if anyone asks, for the moment, I'm renting to own.

The Weekend

Okay, I finally feel a bit more normal after two weeks on the job - still totally overwhelmed but I am adjusting to living in that state. So I was so excited to cap off another busy week with the John Legend concert at the Chicago Theater. It was fabulous! I thought he was a great artist to begin with but I was not prepared for how high energy his show would be - he sang for an hour and a half and I was enthralled the whole time. The only thing that would have made it better is if he had selected me to come up on stage for a little dance (although in retrospect he was pretty sweaty at that point so I am glad I didn't have John Legend sweat all over me - I'm sure I'll regret this later on). Corrine Bailey Rae opened for him and I wasn't expecting much from her since I think all her songs sound the same but she had surprising range and it is MUCH better live. So hands down - if you don't own a John Legend cd or at least a few of his songs on iTunes get on there today and get them.
The weekend just continued to get better as I also had one of my favorite all-time people in the world in town this weekend and we went to dinner Saturday at one of the best spots in Chicago ( at least in my humble opinion) - Avec. It's a very simple, very small spot just west of the Loop with lots of smaller plates and a somewhat Mediterranean menu. Their wine list is full of things you've never heard of before so I always just ask the very knowledgeable waitstaff for their recommendations and I'm never disappointed. Their menu tends to change and feature more seasonal items but if you happen to go there you must have the following: chorizo stuffed dates with a tangy tomato sauce (these have become somewhat overdone as of late but their's are still good), there is also the cheese selection which like the wine list is unique but always delicious, and finally the best item on the list, foccacia with taleggio, truffle oil and a bit of sea salt, you will not be able to even leave one piece of this on the table, I promise.
And if you're ever looking for anyone to go with you to try it out - I'm only a phone call or email away!