Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Don't Say the TV is Tacky and Why My Dog is Like Elf

So I've been adjusting to life with another living creature in the house (the S.O. I've already gotten used to), there have been a few accidents, few chewings and several "let me out at 3a.m. moments" what's great about those though is that I can put him in the cage afterwards - all my sucker friends with those babies can't - ha ha (imagine Nelson laughing voice here). Murphy is the moniker we have bestowed upon the dog, I'm not entirely sure he's a Murphy or if he even knows his name yet but it's the only one we could settle on. So anyways, when on walks with me (and only me) Murphy's favorite thing to do so is find old pieces of gum on the sidewalk or grass and promptly pop them in his mouth, he manages to find several pieces on each walk, leaving me amazed as to the amount of gum that the good people of Chicago are spitting out on a daily basis. We had this gum chewing routine occur so many times already that now he automatically spits it out when I begin to bend down and reach for this mouth, I think him and the Will Ferrell character in Elf would have got along fabulously.

I had a realization while having dinner with friends the other evening, we were discussing the gorgeous ring a mutual friend of our had received for the birth of her son (a very nice push present!) and the guys both commented that they thought it was too large and a little tacky, while the other woman and myself both of course thought it was beautiful and not at all too large. And the difference in opinion between the ladies and the gents got me thinking that while they would think the jewelry was too big (likely because they'd be the one purchasing it for someone) they would never say such a thing about, say, a TV. TVs in the male mind can never be too big, while I frequently think they are too large and overpower a room but since it makes the S.O. an most other males happy we go with it and therefore I think they should do the same with diamonds or any jewelry of the large and sparkly genre!