Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Most Under Appreciated Man In Show Business

There is a man in Hollywood who I believe is firmly underrated, he's been around for quite awhile and although he's old enough to be my dad I still think he is fabulous. That man is Mr. Tom Selleck, not only is he the only individual who has successfully pulled of the mustache for over 30 years but he has also been able to remain and attractive and appealing to several generations of tv viewers. While I vaguely remember him from his Magnum P.I. days where he sported the Tigers hat and short shorts (again a tough look to pull off but he manages!) to his brief stint on friends. I believe that in a large part Tom is responsible for my belief that the mustache can be an acceptable form of facial hair. The other person responsible for that is my dad (I cried when he shaved his off finally - I think I was about 13 at the time - it was traumatic!). So mustache disgressions aside, Tom is an all-around nice guy, you never hear anything bad about him, he's never been involved in any weird sex scandal (to my knowledge) and come on, anyone who can remain hot from 1980 to 2007 - that should be rewarded in and of itself. So take a moment and appreciated the mustachioed man (see I used the word mustachioed - ten bonus points!) who is highly underappreciated, and then pull up your tv guide and see if there is a rerun of Magnum on the classic station.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

What's The Fascination Gentleman ?

You've heard me chat about my book club on several occasions - I love book club for a number of reasons (excuse to drink wine, gossip and snack - isn't that enough?) but the one thing that I really love about it is the interesting conversation topics it brings up. Take last week's meeting it ranged from the miracle of birth, to an in-depth foray into circumcision (interesting) to the topic that really struck a chord. Specifically, men and their propensity to spend extreme amounts of time in the bathroom doing all sorts of activities. While I profess that I am not quite sure how we got onto this topic, I assure you, it was one of interest and amazement to our group. After a brief comparison of tales we all learned that the respective men in our lives love to camp out on the john. Reading, emailing, drinking coffee, talking on the phone - the variety of tasks they can engage in while otherwise indisposed was quite impressive. However, what really got us was the duration of their little vacation to the porcelain throne. Twenty, thirty, forty-five minutes - all times that have been clocked in various bathroom marathons around the northside of Chicago.
Why ????
We could not fathom what is pleasurable about hanging out in there for so long? Truly, it's puzzling. It's not the most comfortable seat in the house, there are definitely better smells in kitchen, there's no tv in there (at least to my knowledge) so why, oh why, is this such an appealing spot for the male gender to hunker down and camp out for some quality alone time.
Now I love to hang out in the bathroom as much as anyone else, but in front of the mirror primping, not sipping my latte and reading The Times, and to call a girlfriend for a little chat while I let it lie - unheard of!
So again, and quite unintended, I have unearthed yet another example of why we are really the most reasonable, rational sex. Are my girlfriends and I are missing some great meaning of life that lurks in the bano? What drives those with the Y chromosome into this tiled haven? I can find no logical reason for it!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

What's Her Secret ?

So I had this thought pop, unprompted into my brain the other day "why has Paris Hilton not been in rehab yet?" - while it's probably disturbing that these are the random thoughts I have (although understandable given all my celebrity gossip reading), think about, I have a valid question here! This is the girl who made a sex tape that everyone in the free world has seen, has dated every starlet's ex-boyfriend, has been pulled over by the cops how many times, is in a fight with every famous female under 25 at some in time - and yet she is not the one who's been in rehab.
It's especially odd these days when going to rehab is apparently in vogue - so shouldn't she have gone already at least to remain fashionable ? So I think the real question is, is Paris more together than we actually think she is (scary!) or is she such a mess and so wealthy that she can avoid rehab indefinitely ? I have no good answer to this, but I'm inclined to believe the former - and what a world we live in if Paris actually deserves more credit thank we think!