Tuesday, April 17, 2007

If You Can Feel A Breeze It's Wrong

I mentioned in my last posting that I had the distinct pleasure of hanging out with an old friend this weekend, what I failed to mention was the not so distinct pleasure he had while we were out. Out enjoying some drinks after dinner, my friend had the unlucky seat right next to a group of very drunk women in their mid 30s (okay I'm being generous it was more around early 40s) and although their drunken state at only 10:30 at night was sad enough, it only got worse when suddenly one of women went crashing directly backwards off her stool and onto the floor (at 10:30). My friend, being the polite individual that he is, immediately bent down to help her up off the floor and back on to her unsteady feet. Once she was safely propped back up at her table we learned the really sad, and actually unacceptable, act of the evening - her drunken fall had revealed her lack of underwear.
While receiving an unexpected flash of a stranger's business is usually almost always unappealing (unless you're somehow into public urination or peeping toms - if so don't let me know), it's actually so much more than that. Nevermind this day and age of YouTube, camera phones and paparazzi frenzy, which means that one accidental moment can leave you forever imprinted online in the most up close and personal of ways. Fundamentally, you do not go out of the house without underwear on!!! I am quite fine with breaking most rules of etiquette and style to accommodate your own perogative but this is one that you cannot ignore.
Unless you were a dramatic DCFS case growing up, I am most assured that your mother always enforced the importance of underwear, especially clean underwear, in case any emergency situation should arise where strangers might see your drawers (although I think mom was thinking of the paramedics vs. the paparazzi). And don't scoff at this mother's wisdom because it's not wise - it is a common sense matter - cover yourself up! There is enough over exposure in the world as it is, I don't need to see more of you, in fact, I rather quite obviously know that you are wearing underwear, than fear that you're not. Pantie lines and fashion issues I also don't care about, I firmly stick to the belief that it's better to know that you have it on vs. having some tragic clothing accident that leaves you adam and eve'ing to the world with not so much as a fig leaf.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.