Sunday, June 15, 2008

Some Musings

I hate folding socks, they never pair up like they should and one inevitably always disappears from washer to dryer to the basket. So I took a stand and said no more to dealing with socks, I throw them in the basket then right into the drawer, I like to think it saves me about 7.5 hours of aggravation a year - consider this your Holly Homemaker tip of the day (basically, if it really annoys you just don't do it).

A pet peeve now that it is fully summer and there are joggers out and about everywhere on the Chicago streets - lady joggers you must wear better support while jogging! It's just wrong to have to witness what I witness right out on the sidewalk, there is no excuse for not wearing a good bra and nobody wants to see what happens when you don't - so just go to Target and pick up a few, they do the trick and they're no more than $14 - thank you in advance.

I try not to talk too much about the S.O. here as he doesn't enjoy it but I have to brag that he ran his first half marathon this weekend and finished with an awesome time of 2:02:02, and there's even more - he did while in a cast for his broken hand!!!! I don't know too many people who would do that so I'm proud and bragging : )

Off to my all-time favorite city of London this week, the first time I have ever been there in the summer, I'm pretty pumped that Londoners tans will not be any better than mine.

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