Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm Cashing It All In

I finally had an idea for a business that's actually viable, sadly I'm not quite yet ready to chuck my day job and run wild with it (as much as I'd love to) but I'm going to try and get this thing going on the side. Don't even try to ask, I'm not telling what it is yet, lest you try to steal my idea! Just know that it has to do with what I love - namely, going out and having great meals.
I probably won't be the next Facebook but I'm not ruling it out entirely.

In other news, fido is on his way out - he cannot stop chewing our house, walls, floor, baseboards - there is only so much I am willing to take and the slow destruction of my house is not one of them. Sad that it's not working out after all the work we put in but I'm a girl who knows how to cut my losses.

Stay tuned for my recap of the Zoo Ball next week. Yup, that's right I am going to a BALL - how crazy is that - it's adult prom and I am l-o-v-i-n-g it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your house?