Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's All in the Details

Change is everywhere that I look lately. I myself am going through a job/career change, friends are experiencing all kinds of change as well, moving, relationships, marriage, babies, the list goes on and on. And while this is all taking place, I've found it interesting to take in how one deals and adapts, myself especially.
I think it's fundamental human nature to be adverse to change, even though we may spout otherwise and state how "good and healthy" it may be, it is our basic, primitive desire that things should remain the same. This desire is not necessarily for the best of reasons, familiarity, comfort, laziness, but it tends to be the force or non-force that keep us in our holding patterns for as long as it does.
Take myself as a prime example, I have long been wanting a career change, more responsibility, more challenge and now that the opportunity has finally presented itself what do I find myself dwelling on as this change approaches? The little mundane, comfort factors - my new office isn't as visually appealing, will it be easy to take the afternoon off to go to the doctor, what's the policy on open-toed sandals in the summer (okay that one IS important)? My point is this, I've not yet focused on the truly larger issues of my change - will I be successful in the new role, will I build relationships successfully ? because instead, I am focused on the comfort factors and this I have discovered is my coping mechanism. If I focus on all these smaller details it keeps me from having a complete meltdown dwelling on the larger issues at hand, and for this I am deeply thankful to my psyche - I just need to make sure not to analyze my train of thought here for too long or that full meltdown will undoubtedley occur!
Alright, enough contemplating for one evening, see what two glasses of wine will produce! I promise back to trivial lifestyle commentary in the next post.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi! Can you guess who this is? ;-)