Sunday, March 18, 2007

What's Our "Vegas Baby, Vegas!" ?

So I got to thinking this past weekend when most of the males that I know were out in Vegas for their annual March Madness trip, that there is no truly equivalent weekend trip that exists for the ladies, and this, is quite the problem.
When I got thinking about this guy's weekend (which I need to qualify before I go any further, that I think is a fine and fun tradition for the male species to take part in) I thought about what this weekend was all about for them, and it really boiled down to one word for me "excess", whether that be in the form of gambling, drinking, watching sports, it is basically an over the top experience of all things that males love to do but feel a bit restrained in doing to their pleasure during their regularly scheduled lives (gentlemen, if I'm wrong here please do correct me).
So knowing how much fun guys have on their Vegas trips, I started to think about what might qualify as an equivalent trip for me and my girlfriends to take on such a weekend and it was here that I drew a complete blank. Oh of course I can come up with fun "girls weekend" activities, trip to NYC, spa weekend, laying by the pool with mojitos and trashy novels but what I was really trying to think of was what would I love to do in excess that I normally feel like I cannot do unless on a special vacation with friends. And besides eating carbs and ice cream at will there really isn't much that comes to mind (and I pretty much already do that anyways - Atkins will never be for me). The fact that there wasn't anything that I wanted to do with such abandon started to make me wonder, is this a gender question or just a more personal one ? So I ask you all - is there really a ladies version of the weekend in Vegas ? And before you weigh in, I'll say a girls weekend in Vegas will never equate to the male experience of excess there, so don't even bother with that response (for that same reason, along with many others, there is no female version of the movie Swingers). I am readily awaiting any suggestions as I would love to try out this trip or even better, if you'd like to sponsor me and my friends on such a trip I'd be happy to report back on our findings : )
And I am quite convinced that if I do stumble upon the answer to the questions "what is the equivalent female Vegas trip?" that I will have found my entrepreneurial jackpot and plan to start marketing such trip/experience immediately!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What about a girls trip overseas? like to Spain, or w/ accents....there's something I don't mind in excess. ;-)