Friday, March 9, 2007

One Girl, One Bag..........never was there a greater love story

So this week I had the pleasure of experiencing one of those moments that all women dream of, I got a new bag. And while a rapturous event, it was also
a vital necessity as I had 1) almost broken off the strap of my current bag 2) my eyeing this new bag online for weeks and 3) I got a new job and felt the need to treat myself (something I am firm proponent of).
However, with the purchase of this new bag I have discovered something a bit disturbing about myself and I am sure that eventually this bag or another like it will be my downfall. While I love the smell of new leather and all the shiny buckles, bells and whistles of my latest purchase, what I really love the most is it's cavernous depths and my ability to shove nearly anything and everything into it. For those who know me, it's no new news that I love giant handbags (giant handbags, giant sunglasses, I realize that I will someday look like that lady from the Old Navy commercials and I'm fine with that) but I think that I really need to emphasize how great it is to be able to cram pretty much anything into a bag and cart it around with you all day. For example I current have the following in my bag, wallet, make-up bag, umbrella, book, guinea pig, pair of shoes, sea monkeys, book, my lunch, water bottle, three cinder blocks and four tubes of lip gloss - and most importantly all those goodies are crammed into a something that looks cute and matches most any outfit. Try to find a back pack that does that, I guarantee you won't!
But let's get to the disturbing part, I keep adding things to the bag, I can't stop, I feel compelled to see how much I can actually drag around with me on any given day and this practice will inevitably lead to two things 1) I will become a hunchback (I can already feel this process underway) 2) I will become the modern day version of that women from New Hampshire who is found trapped in her home with junk stacked to the ceiling unable to move (although there will be no cats involved in this story - I hate cats.). So this is my enlightening piece of social commentary for the day, while big bags are known as status symbols,fashion statements, etc., they are also the fast track to modern day crazy lady pack rat syndrome.
So while I will not be trading in this bag for some small, sensible, clutch, maybe I will try to hold back on the cramming in order to avoid the onset of my hunchback and pack-ratness, although I am now wondering if I'm going to be able to fit my laptop in there too.................................

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