Sunday, March 4, 2007

Your Goal For This Week

I love language and specifically vocabulary, I have the weird habit of reading an often unused word in a book and then some out having it fly out of my mouth at some unplanned point in time the most recent example of this was the word 'happenstance' , I mean come on who uses that on a regular basis and more importantly, why did I ? Putting that mystery aside for the moment, I think people should try to bring a little more flavor to the vocabulary they use on a regular basis because when you think about it we really tend to use the same words over and over, and miss out on using all the really great ones. One that recently came to my attention in a Bill Simmons article (more on him at a later date- great sports writer I love) was the word "mustachioed" an adjective for a man with a mustache. This word is great for a number of reasons #1 I firmly believe the mustache is making a comeback and I think I'm going to stand behind that movement, #2 it is so much fun to say, try it right now m-u-s-t-a-c-h-i-o-e-d, it really just rolls of the tongue in such a fun way. Once I get my act together and figure out how to set up some other formats on the this blog I'm going to feature a word of the week, all part of my plan to improve our vocabulary (who's says I'm not a giver!) but in the meantime the featured word is mustachioed and my charge to you is to use it in a sentence this week, just try it out, see how fun it is and let me know how it went and if you have any favorites to share with me I'd love to hear them. In the meantime I am going to turn on the tv in search of one of my most favorite mustachioed men of all time, Mr. Tom Selleck!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

A friend of mine has a t-shirt with a picture of a man's bearded face, and the caption, "Beards: They grow on you." Could be applied to mustaches. ;-)

I get "Word of the Day" emails from Today I learned that clerisy is a noun that means "the well educated class; the intelligentsia." I feel smarter already.