Monday, April 9, 2007

Would You Root for the Yankees of the Golf World ?

So yesterday was Easter, and nothing says "let's celebrate Christ's resurrection!" like 40 degree weather, eating ham and watching the Masters. Maybe it's not exactly what Mary Magdelene and the disciples had in mind but over the years but that basically sums up my day yesterday. Don't get me wrong, Easter is one of my favorite, if not most favorite religious holiday, I love the the joyfulness of it, lilies are gorgeous and it usually signals the end of dull, drab winter and movement into spring. Although, if I am asked to probe to the true reason why I love Easter it's probably because I associate it with getting a new outfit, since every year growing up I would get a new dress, and maybe a purse and hat if I was lucky (yes, I wore a hat and carried a purse at age 5 - does that explain a lot of things about me for you - I bet it does), and although patent leather is back in, I have not taken back to wearing those classic, shiny black mary janes with the frilly socks, though it's tempting.
Easter attire aside, it was a great day spent with family and friends, nothing I would change about. We capped off the day by watching the Masters, and while I was just glad that Phil Mickelson didn't win (I have an intent dislike for him - I won't get started on it here though other than to say, he's supposed to be a champion yet he is a sweaty mess - he's the Whitney Houston of golf), what I really focused on though was that everyone I was watching with was intently cheering for Tiger, which seems to be pretty normal for the average golf fan. However, once I got to thinking about it more, I decided that I am not going to cheer for Tiger Woods. Why you ask ? It's simple - Tiger is the New York Yankees of golf, he's loaded, he's talented, and if doesn't always win the big one he's at least in top contention for it. Now I can't stand the Yankees so why would I support the golf equivalent of the Yankees? I'll appreciate his skill but I will not watch another tournament and hope he kills it, instead I'll do the sensible thing and pick a new favorite player based on his name or how stylishly he's dressed (all highly relevant factors).
I am sure the even larger issue you're wondering about is - does she really watch golf on tv ? Up until this past year I never did, I swore up and down that it was THE most boring thing on tv, but that was until I took up golf last year and now it's a little more exciting, this will be my first, full official summer golfing though so stay tuned on how all that turns out, I've yet to really learn how to chip or putt so I'm sure I'll just be relying heavily on my ability to drive the ball straight to the tee (hmmm maybe I will cheer for Tiger after all).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You were not paying very good attention, as I was clearly pulling for Retief. He's like the Cleveland Indians of the later middle 90s. Lots of talent, always gets close, but can't close the deal. That is my wisdom for the day.