Friday, June 8, 2007

It’s That Time of Year Again

So I am now four weeks into my summer softball season and I can’t believe I’ve entry to write an entry about this! Softball has to be one of my all-time favorite things, I have been playing since I was seven years old and I am still excited to play every time there is a game, I am hard pressed to come up with something else in my life that I have been as consistently excited about (eating ice cream and doing my hair are probably are the only other two). I play in a 12 inch co-ed league and I am proud to say that we are so far undefeated – which obviously means that our athletic prowess and stunning physical ability have lifted us high above the competition or more appropriately we all just happen to hit the ball more often than we whiff it and occasionally catch those pop ups, which is really about all it takes in Chicago softball, slightly more focus on playing ball than drinking beer after the game and you are on your way to the league championship.
A few fun things that are pretty much constants for any rec league softball team: each team having that weird, older guy who takes the games SO seriously and wears actual baseball gear (although nobody on my team is like this yet – it’s not to say that it couldn’t happen in the future – I have my bets on who it would be but you’ll just have to wonder ; ), every team also has that “tough” girl who likes to prove she is as good as the guys, there is also that guy who strides up to the plate and looks out into the outfield, pretending to search for a gap and even further pretending that he has the skills to actually hit in the gap – I have yet to see a guy actually achieve a hit in the gap after giving “the stare”, my personal favorite, the guy who is willing to take a walk – if you are this guy in slow-pitch softball, stop now, just get out of the game and leave, if you don’t want a hit when you are up there you should go play t-ball. I don’t like to say the P word but when this does happen I am tempted to yell it. I’m sure that I’m missing some of the other key “positions” but hey the season’s not over yet – I’ll be back to tell you about our championship win in July!

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