Tuesday, July 24, 2007

So the majority of my sunny, 80 degree weekend was spend firmly engrossed in the last Harry Potter book. Do I feel slightly guilty for missing a great summer weekend, slightly, but
the enjoyment of reading the last book was well worth it. These things are like crack! I am thankful that I didn't start reading them until 2005 otherwise I would have had serious issues waiting for
so long between each book. I won't spoil the end for anyone since I am an abnormally fast reader - even my speed-reading boyfriend was impressed (or was that pissed?) with my skills - but to sum it
up, it was great, ended just as it should, although I am now fully depressed that there will be no more to come and wondering if I should start re-reading them again?
Since the news media has totally overdone everything Harry Potter these past few weeks I won't wax poetic about it too much here but I do need to say that I never expected to like
a "fantasy" type book but they have been wonderful, so entertaining, great charcters, a wonderful imaginary world that you can envision and simple but good messages that
we all need to be reminded of - so while there might not be another Harry any time soon (or ever for that matter) we should all make a point of trying to find those things that
make us feel like we did when we were reading about Hogwarts, mandrakes and muggles.

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