Wednesday, July 11, 2007

On The Road Again

I had the pleasure of a personal roadtrip to wilds of Wisconsin last week (hence my lack of blog postings) and it actually reminded me of some of the joys of roadtripping.
This came as quite a surprise to me because ordinarily I am someone who abhorrs long car rides, much less being the one who has to drive for the duration of the trip! Given
my need to be continuously entertained I usually find long drives boring and I am prone to nodding off - thankfully my main source of transportation these days is public, so no need
to fear for your safety on the streets of Chicago (at least due to my drving skills).
So as I was making my lonely, four-hour trek into the land of cheese and beer - I learned a few things about myself along the way. For example, randomly as I was searching through the radio
stations I discovered that I knew by heart the lyrics to some 1993 John Michael Montgomery song (this from a self-professed country music hater) - just a little piece of me that I forgot existed, that I wasable to enjoy for a brief 3 minute stretch. I also learned that I can be that jerk who drives in the left lane the whole way - not intending to hold up traffic but becoming so engrossed in my fabulousAmerican Idol Car Radio skills that I fail to pay attention to how fast I am (or am not going) - I like to think that this makes me a kinder, more understanding driver when this then happens to me butsadly I am not that evolved and still get mad at that stupid Taurus put-putting along in the left lane.
By far my favorite moment came on the return trip as listening to the radio I had the thought "I really need to download some Heart songs onto my iTunes" - now I ask you - would that thought have come across my mindnormally (perhaps) but now I will a richer iTunes collection thanks to that drive.So though much different were my joys than those of the typical, male roadtrip (no beef jerky or sunflower seeds were involved) - for a moment in time I liked the enforced, quite contemplation and enjoyment of random 80s tunes.
A little Rick Astley anyone???

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