Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Fat Head Doesn't Deserve the Accolades

I'm so annoyed with the whole Barry Bonds breaking the record. I wish they could revoke it from him because he's a big, fat (emphasis on fat- do you see that head!) - CHEATER!
I don't even care if they can't prove it, rumors are enough. It's kind of like being in high school or college, if the rumor goes around that you are slut even if you aren't, some people will
always associate that with you (for example purposes only - this was never said about the author of this blog!).
I hate that everything is tainted lately - even golf! It is a sad day when a sport that used to consist of mostly mildly out of shape WASPs who smoked a lot turn to the roids - although based on my description they appear to have the most legitmate, physical reasons.
So boo, hiss to all those lazy, sad athletes. You get paid millions of dollars to play a sport for a living and you can even rely on your own physial prowess to get the job done?? That would be like be like me using some Ph.D genius to do my work for me everyday, but I don't! 1) Because really the number of people I would honestly trust to be "smarter" is limited and 2) super smart people are never normal and socially adjusted, so that makes the average worker and the average athlete who relies on their own talents much more likeable - so Barry and all the neurosurgeons out there can take that!

Side note: while I'm on an apparent rant today. Another thing that's been driving me nuts lately - men who commute to work in flip flops. This is unacceptable because not only does it look dumb with your dress pants but also because your shoes are comfortable and FLAT! Women commute in flip flops because we wear heels which are hard to commute in, climb El stairs in and walk over sidewalk grates. If you are a guy you should be embarassed about doing this - put the Kenneth Coles back on and march yourself into work!
(I swear I'm in a good mood this week -really I am!)

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