Thursday, August 2, 2007

I Heart NY

So I just came back from a long work/fun weekend in New York. I've only been to the city a handful of times but each time I go I love it even more. I won't bore you with all the reasons it's great (amazing shopping, food and people watching!) but I'll give you a few highlights from the weekend if you happen to be looking for something to do next time you're there (even though the options are limitless - so basically I'm just looking for an excuse to chat about my trip: )
On a friend's recommendation went to a restaurant called Hearth in the East Village on Friday night. They describe themselves as Italian but I would just classify them in the more general contemporary, American genre. A simple, yet inviting space on First & 12th, Hearth was definitely a find. Dinner consisted of a cold, corn chowder soup with some peekytoe crab and a grilled quail for Mr. Man who was with me. I did have any of the quail so I can't comment but my starter was delicious, anticipating our phat/fat Mario Batali dinner later in the weekend we both opted for lighter dishes for our entrees, me with the poached halibut and he with the scallops and as soon as those babies came out I had intense ordering envy - they were perfect! Great wine and a lemony/blueberry dessert combo topped off the evening - a definite recommend to anyone looking for a good, but not over the top spot in NY.
While I could continue to go into detail about the rest of my eating and wanderings that weekend, I'll just focus on the highlights. Upper East Side neighborhoods - so fun, lots of bars and restaurants to keep you endlessly entertained, Bergdorf Goodmans - I can't in good conscience buy most anything in there but it is glorious to walk around and see those beautiful things. We ended the weekend with a Sunday night dinner at Mario Batali's Babbo, that place must do an amazing business because I had to call like it was my job to get a reservation there. The restaurant itself is a little unassuming place on Waverly just off of Washington Square, located in an old townhouse, simple decor yet upscale just enough without being stuffy at all. The menu was amazing although if you expect standard Italian, lasagnas, meatballs, etc. don't come here. Batali is inventive with the menu - just a few of things I saw on there: brains, tongue, cheeks, feet - you get the picture. While it all looked fabulous we felt that we should pay service to the excellent pasta they are known for and we went with the pasta tasting menu - Yes! We went with the full-on carb-fest and I loved every minute of it A total of five pastas and three desserts in all (can you say decadent) it was a great choice (and I didn't eat all of any of the servings lest you think I am a complete glutton). Tagliatelle was black and fresh with charred sweet corn (my fave), raviolis with scallions, braised beef, delicious mushrooms - it was all wonderful. Of course you then need to jog around the entire island of Manhattan about 18 times to work off that dinner but well worth it. Staff was friendly and very knowledgeable - if you have a month in advance to plan for a reservation you should book it.
Each successive trip that I make to NY I love it more and more, that along with London - and I SWEAR I don't only love the most expensive cities in the world but if you can find me a cheap one that's just as fabulous please let me know.

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