Sunday, January 13, 2008

Come Check Out What I Just Got It's Great I Swear

I don't think I've mentioned it but about a bajillion friends of mine have had or having babies over these past few months. I've learned a new lingo of ultrasounds, breastfeeding (referred to as BF'ing by some), baby accessories and in general just an increased conversation about all that is baby. Which is all good and fine, I get it, it's the biggest thing that happens to a person/couple but it's also one of those things that you can't quite get as excited about or fully understand unless you're going through it yourself. So my question is - how excited will I be or should I seem to be about this mass wave of births? I've heard many a people say that they hate kids except their own and that seems to be an accepted axiom by many that I know so hmmmmm where does that leave me? In a land of toddler despising until I perhaps decide to hatch one of my own someday? What I think it will actually end up being like is when a friend gets some fun new toy, say a roofdeck on their condo or a Wiii (side note: if you have a Wiii call me, I so want to play!) or a boat. At first it's new and a novelty something you haven't seen your friend with before and it's fun for you to enjoy the newness with them but after a few boat rides or a couple weekend on the roofdeck you've kind of been there done that and want to suggest that you all go out and do something different. So what if I get that way about someone's kid? Yeah, they're cute and all but all they're still doing is laying there and drooling or crying - is it fair to say when I don't find that fascinating or do I quietly exit the room stage left at that point.
I've have yet to be bi ten with any "biological clock" urge in my life, perhaps because I am still young and vivacious : ) but does proximity to more babyness rub-off on one? Do I need to be worried about coming down with the tick-tock feeling by osmosis?
I don't know, it should be interesting, I"ll promise to weigh in on how I think the little aliens are in person once they arrive and I actually spend some time with them, over under on how quickly I lose interest in them is current at 3 months.

An additional update on the co-habitating front. So far so good, only the occasional flare-up of "but I do things THIS way" but we have become a bit organizationally obssessed, until now I had never visited the Container Store and in the past week I've been there twice, I guess intermingling one's things makes you crave a sense or order more? Maybe the Container Store should market to the 25-35 demographic a little more.


Anonymous said...

If you don't like babies, then why do you blog about them so much?

Anonymous said...

you should have a baby with your new roommate. it will bring you closer together. you probably can't return it in three months though

Sarah said...

Happy to hear co-habitation is going well! not sure about the babies...but definitely am understanding the feeling of "you understand better once you go through it" regarding another major life event -> Steve and I are ENGAGED! =) Needless to say as exciting as it has been, there have also been moments of stress...Babies though....totally different, you can't giv'em back in 3 mos....yikes...I have a feeling that as soon as I'm in a place where I can comfortably afford/raise them, I'm going to be all about it. Until then though, I'm not putting any batteries in this biological clock. ;-)

Anonymous said...

The whole organization aspect of co-habilitating is called nesting. I was the MOST unorganized mess before we moved in together, now I'm the one finding places for everything and looking at a multitude of baskets. Exciting huh?

The baby thing comes in time. It didn't really hit me until I watched my niece on my own, and she was just a crying blob that was hungry or poopy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not running to join the "breeders" just yet, but I have spent more time thinking about it.