Sunday, June 1, 2008

If I Were a Black Man

It's been awhile I know, I know - I just can't bring myself to open the computer at home in the evenings any more unless it's absolutely necessary for work but I will make a renewed effort, consider it my mid-year resolution. I often write posts in my head but then just never get around to actually putting fingers to keypad.
However, I have had this one particular thought in my head for the past couple of weeks so I thought I'd share, I came to the conclusion that if I were a black man I would be Kanye West. Let's think about it, Kanye and I really are leading parallel lives (minus that whole famous rap star thing he has going). Were roughly the same age, from Chicago (or close enough) we both have a stylish yet preppy aesthetic, nice smiles with good teeth, diva attitudes (I would fully be pitching hissy fits like him if I wasn't winning awards for that music) .
Perhaps he and I will cross paths on Michigan Ave. one day and I can share this with him, I'm pretty sure he'd be pumped to have a white, female doppelganger living in Lakeview.
In the meantime though, "what doesn't kill only makes me stronger........"

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