Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Been Awhile

So I'm on temporary hiatus from the blog if you haven't yet been able to guess that. I need to refocus and I'm just bored with it at the moment, just bored in general actually. Once I have more of plan and am not lolling in the land of apathetic thought I'll be back!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm Cashing It All In

I finally had an idea for a business that's actually viable, sadly I'm not quite yet ready to chuck my day job and run wild with it (as much as I'd love to) but I'm going to try and get this thing going on the side. Don't even try to ask, I'm not telling what it is yet, lest you try to steal my idea! Just know that it has to do with what I love - namely, going out and having great meals.
I probably won't be the next Facebook but I'm not ruling it out entirely.

In other news, fido is on his way out - he cannot stop chewing our house, walls, floor, baseboards - there is only so much I am willing to take and the slow destruction of my house is not one of them. Sad that it's not working out after all the work we put in but I'm a girl who knows how to cut my losses.

Stay tuned for my recap of the Zoo Ball next week. Yup, that's right I am going to a BALL - how crazy is that - it's adult prom and I am l-o-v-i-n-g it!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Always the Inviter, Never the Invitee

I had a realization this week - I am usually the person who organizes events amongst my group of friends. Book clubs, dinners out, golfing, shopping, etc., it's fun and I love doing that a) because it keeps me busy doing things I love b) because that means I'm in charge which is key. However, I realized since I am know as the inviter and organizer I never get invited to things myself - is this because others are just assuming I'm already busy or will be coordinating something soon? Even if that was true it would still be nice to get the occasional invite from others or maybe are they trying to tell me something???? : )

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Some Musings

I hate folding socks, they never pair up like they should and one inevitably always disappears from washer to dryer to the basket. So I took a stand and said no more to dealing with socks, I throw them in the basket then right into the drawer, I like to think it saves me about 7.5 hours of aggravation a year - consider this your Holly Homemaker tip of the day (basically, if it really annoys you just don't do it).

A pet peeve now that it is fully summer and there are joggers out and about everywhere on the Chicago streets - lady joggers you must wear better support while jogging! It's just wrong to have to witness what I witness right out on the sidewalk, there is no excuse for not wearing a good bra and nobody wants to see what happens when you don't - so just go to Target and pick up a few, they do the trick and they're no more than $14 - thank you in advance.

I try not to talk too much about the S.O. here as he doesn't enjoy it but I have to brag that he ran his first half marathon this weekend and finished with an awesome time of 2:02:02, and there's even more - he did while in a cast for his broken hand!!!! I don't know too many people who would do that so I'm proud and bragging : )

Off to my all-time favorite city of London this week, the first time I have ever been there in the summer, I'm pretty pumped that Londoners tans will not be any better than mine.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

After Much Ado

Here's Murph, yes, he's still with us (although under threat of banishment on a daily basis). He's cut back on the gum chewing and farting but is a retriever who doesn't like swimming??? (doesn't he realize his feet are webbed??)

If I Were a Black Man

It's been awhile I know, I know - I just can't bring myself to open the computer at home in the evenings any more unless it's absolutely necessary for work but I will make a renewed effort, consider it my mid-year resolution. I often write posts in my head but then just never get around to actually putting fingers to keypad.
However, I have had this one particular thought in my head for the past couple of weeks so I thought I'd share, I came to the conclusion that if I were a black man I would be Kanye West. Let's think about it, Kanye and I really are leading parallel lives (minus that whole famous rap star thing he has going). Were roughly the same age, from Chicago (or close enough) we both have a stylish yet preppy aesthetic, nice smiles with good teeth, diva attitudes (I would fully be pitching hissy fits like him if I wasn't winning awards for that music) .
Perhaps he and I will cross paths on Michigan Ave. one day and I can share this with him, I'm pretty sure he'd be pumped to have a white, female doppelganger living in Lakeview.
In the meantime though, "what doesn't kill only makes me stronger........"

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Few Random Musings

So last post I said it looked likely that it was adios for the pooch but alas he's still with us and we are living life as doggie parents. I'm 75% happy that we've kept him, along when he was throwing up for six hours straight last week, including a moment when he got up on the couch just for the express intent of throwing up - that was really what sealed the deal for me, nothing says love like cleaning up another's vomit.

A must visit restaurant for all you Chicagoans is Mercat a la Planxa in the Blackstone hotel on south Michigan, a fabulous take on Catalan tapas, I am considering it my de facto job to spread the word on how delicious this place is. We did the tapas sharing thing and I was not disappointed with one dish, go for the classic croquetas, the squid and angel hair pasta in squid's ink, arroz with crab and quail egg (really just but a quail egg on anything and I'll eat it). The sangria is equal parts refreshing and strong and the decor and layout is modern, interesting and inviting to a night out on the town.

Other random points of the week, why do manicurists always have terrible nails? They never have them done, I realize they use their hands for work but you rarely see a hairstylist with ugly hair - manicurists of the world, give yourselves some love.

You'll also notice the fun new color scheme on the b to the l to the o to the g - I certain reader told me that the black background was burning his retinas so I decided not to force him into early Lasik surgery, consider this my good deed for the quarter.