Friday, June 29, 2007

Got To Hand It To Hillary

I've never been a big Hillary fan, she's just too severe for my tastes and I still am not loving universal healthcare but the other day it struck me - this woman is genius!
I was getting ready for work with Good Morning America on in the background (my daily ritual) and was listening to a panel of Hillary's advisers talk, they were trying to humanize her, say
she's fun, etc. and it just got me to thinking about all the she has endured since she was thrust into the political spotlight. While I have to imagine that it is hurtful and humiliating enough for the average Jane to have knowledge of your
husband's repeated infidelities, to have the entire world find about them, in detail, would really be too much to bear. Hillary did handle it like a pro though, you could tell she was furious but she kept her cool and was supportive and professional throughout those years. I always wondered what something like that did to her and Chelsea - they seemed to handle it with such ease, which I found to be kind of unbelievable to say the least. But, here is my revelation - Hillary has been plotting the sweetest revenge ever since that public humiliation. If your husband is the epitome of charisma, ego, and philandering and basically lives to have the spolight on him - what could be the best revenge on him? You got it, making him the "First Man", if Hillary were to win such emphasis and attention would be placed on the first female president, the ongoing press and place in history would be HUGE and what would Bill have to be doing? Sitting by her side, attending state dinners, planning social, diplomatic events - all the sexist, minimizing roles that have been traditionally served for a woman. I think it's brilliant and while I've not yet decided where my vote will be cast since November 2008 is still eons away - I must admit that seeing Hillary serve up the ultimate, symbolic, payback to the universal "cheating man" - makes me like her just the teeniest bit more.

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