Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Few Things

've been a bad blogger, I admit it. Although I have a personal mini-drama on my hands, I was told this month that my apartment building was sold and I have to move by the end of January!
Moving in Chicago in during the holiday and winter season how fun!!! There's also the additional fact that I loathe moving, it is such a pain, packing, unpacking - I despise it all. So needless to say
that has take up a majority of my time as of late - still no solution yet but hopefully soon!
In the meantime, two pet peeves that crossed my mind this week for you to ponder (and hopefully discourage in others).
Random spitting on the public sidewalk. It's 8a.m. in the morning, do you REALLY need to hawk a big loogie right in front of me when I've just had my breakfast. Honestly, unless you've just ingested something awful or poisonous there really is no reason to spit (unless you're playing baseball then I condone it, I don't like it but I condone it as part of the sport).
Women who don't observe the courtesy stall policy. Say there are five stalls and I am in stall three and the rest are empty, you do not choose options two or four, options one or five are the acceptable choices. If there's space available make use of it. Really, if men have mastered the art of urinal etiquette why can we not do the same?
That's all I've got for now!

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