Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Movin' On Up To The East Side....... (Okay actually south four blocks)

I cannot believe that it's less than a week until Christmas! The past month has been insanely busy, which is no excuse for no blog love I know but between Christmas parties, shopping, and cooking there has been little time.
Plus to top it all off I decided to move during one of the busiest times of year - yay me! However, this move isn't overly difficult as I'm only going four blocks down the street, yes, that's right I'm moving in with the S.O. When my current lease was terminated I did start to look for new apartments but we chatted and figured that it didn't make sense or dollars! that I get another place so here we are together and cohabitating. I'm not entirely "officially" moved in yet but by next weekend I will be and I'm sure his life will be vastly improved not only by my constant presence but also now by the constant presence of food in the refrigerator and an abundance of t.p. on hand (things that somehow didn't exist over there previously). I've never had a male roomie before so it should be interesting, but unlike my past female roommates I'm sure we will never fight for time in front of the mirror in the bathroom or decorating styles. The only issue so far is that I prefer to flip between GMA, VH1 and Saved By The Bell reruns while getting ready in the morning while his preference is Squawk Box, but after he's experience a few mornings with Diane and Robin or some Forgive videos at 7a.m. I'm sure that will all change.
A few other random asides:
I have been stating since the beginning of football season how I despise the pink, female jerseys that are worn by women. In my opinion if you are going to wear a jersey then you need to wear the real deal, not some pink and white combo, but even more importantly the pink jersey screams "I am a semi-trashy bimbo who doesn't even really know about sports" (I have yet to see someone in a pink jersey that disprove this theory.) Then to provide a classic illustration of this theory, who appears in a pink jersey last week? None other than Jessica Simpson - thank you, case in point.
I am bracing myself for a crappy Christmas gift season, to date, nobody that I expect to be receiving presents from has bought me anything yet - it's December 19th! Now I know the season isn't about presents, but let me be clear, I love presents, I take the time to pick out nice presents for people so please be kind and return the favor! I am going on the record now and saying that I may need to develop a Christmas list in October of next year and distribute it to those in need (and by in need I mean in need of a clue of what to buy me). Fa la la la la la la la la!


Anonymous said...

so who is the male roomate? please tell us more... have you guys been together long? or is this just a friend?

Sarah said...

Congrats on cohabitating! It's fun, isn't it? =)

Anonymous said...

I love that you're living with the boy!!! And regarding the pink jerseys...2 words: Amen, Sister! Hope to see you in just a few weeks - we're still working out the details.

Love ya!